woensdag 10 juli 2024 - woensdag 12 maart 2025
19:00 -
deur open 18h30
So you think you can start a party? You might be right about that.
Time to figure it out at broei.lab!
START TO DJ is a workshop given by Rosie De Dordier that will give you basic skills to open a whole new world of beat matching bliss. Select your favourite songs and learn how to mix them on Broei’s sound system. Rosie aka Labrat is a self-taught DJ with a love for dark and wavy music.
You don't need to bring anything. We will provide two decks on which you can learn & practice. Would you like to practice with your own music? (recommended) Then be sure to bring it on a stick. We can sync it in Recordbox so the CDJs can read it. Feel free to perform the sync at home if you're familiar with Recordbox! Do you have your own DJ controller at home and want to practice on your own controller? Then you can definitely bring it. Don't forget your laptop.
Want to sign up for the workshop? Mail to julie.lab@broei.be
with your full name, mail address and phone number to complete the registration.
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Broei.lab members enjoy this workshop for free.
What is a broei.lab member? As a broei.lab member you pay € 50 once a year and you have free access to all the broei.lab workshops and all the broei.lab spaces during Broei opening hours. The spaces of broei.lab contain our Dark Room and equipment, Music Studio and equipment, and our Adobe and Ableton license. Seee more on our Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/broe...
Want to join the broei.lab community? Come by and get to know us.
You can ask our team member Julie for everything about broei.lab.
Broei.lab is an open creative thinking and workplace founded on peer-to-peer learning. Every month there is an activity - and workshop program to inspire each other, learn and grow as creatives & artists.