

BWW: Body Weather Workshops ( Solo crealab Emilie de Vlam & Frank Van de Ven)



  • prijs 16-30 jaar
    € 72

  • prijs 30+
    € 120

  • UiTPAS kansentarief
    € 24

woensdag 25 september 2024 - woensdag 12 maart 2025 10:30 - 16:00

Body Weather
Body Weather is a dance approach where bodies are conceived as constantly changing - just like the weather, a complex system of forces and influences. Body Weather is of relevance to anyone interested in exploring the body and physical presence.

We offer a series of short workshops between 25/9 and 4/10, your choice to choose and combine.

Wednesday 25 + Thursday 26/9

10am - 12 pm Body Weather MB training
MB (mind/body, muscles/bones) is an energetic movement work-out that observes sensitivity and co-ordination while developing strength, endurance, flexibility and grounding.

1pm - 4pm Solo Performance Development
To work on individual dance and performance projects. Proposals can include movement, text, images and/or objects. Exchange between participants is part of the process and the workshop leaders will provide ongoing guidance, provocations and tools to support all projects. If possible we're happy to receive your draft description of the material you want to work on a week before start (

5 30pm-6 30 pm on Thursday 26/9
Performance Potential Presentation
Optional sharing moment for makers in and out the workshop, short presentations and cercle.

We have a Call running for CTWLK performance project. This workshop is part of the recommend material.