

Body Weather Workshop: On Improvisation



  • prijs 16-30 jaar
    € 72

  • prijs 30+
    € 120

  • UiTPAS kansentarief
    € 24

vrijdag 27 september 2024 - woensdag 12 maart 2025 10:00 - 16:00

Body Weather Work "On Improvisation"
Friday 27 + Sunday 29 September

10am - 12 pm Body Weather MB training
MB(mind/body, muscles/bones training) is an energetic, dynamic and rhythmic movement work-out that observes the kinaesthetic sensitivity and co-ordination potential of the body-in-motion while developing strength, endurance, flexibility and grounding.

1pm - 4pm On Improvisation
In the afternoons we will delve into the particulars of improvisation in dance and movement. We’ll explore both physical and mental states of being and creating movement, improvise on non-existing scores and recognize and discard prevalent habits and movement patterns.

Lunchbreak: This friday 27/9 there is the possibility to join the broeilunch, a vegetarian meal for 4 euro, to be payed on the spot cash or by payconiq. Please register on latest by 25/9 in order for us to have an idea.

STAGE! Welcome! Sunday 29 september 5 30pm-6 30 pm Performance Potential Presentation,
optional sharing moment for makers in and out the workshop, short presentations and cercle.