woensdag 22 mei 2024 - woensdag 12 maart 2025
19:00 -
deur open 19:00
PRIKKELDRAAD is een expositie over de beleving van experiment, prikkels verwerken, meditatie en dromerigheid met kunstenaars Elena Brys, Aaron Milieu, Nel Samoy, Manon Zwartjes, Annelies Dom en Eva Swennen.
Opening: woensdag 22/05 om 19u.
De expositie is elke dag open van 22/05-26/05 van 19u tot 22u.
PRIKKELDRAAD is an exhibition about experimenting, processing stimuli, meditation and dreaminess with the artists Elena Brys, Aaron Milieu, Nel Samoy, Manon Zwartjes, Annelies Dom and Eva Swennen.
Opening: wednesday 22/05 at 19hThe exhibition is open everyday 22/05-26/05 from 19h till 22h
We want to give special thanks to Broei who made it possible for us to organise this exhibition.