

Queer representation in de media


Bunker, Living

  • price age 16-30

  • price 30+

  • UiTPAS opportunity rate

Saturday 31 August 2024 18:00 - 23:00

How is the lgbtqia+ community represented in the media? Together we will discuss the impact that the media can have on our self-image and on our actions. We will also discuss how (social) media shapes our self-image and our worldview.
How do we experience that now? What would we like to see differently? What experiences can we share together?

We also ensure that there is a low-stimulus space for people who need a rest point. This is available before, during and after the conversation.
There is also a wheelchair-accessible toilet and you can request guidance if you need it. Send an email to or text them at 0468071833.

After the dialogue we can celebrate our queer joy together in Broei!